Welcome to the Global RA Network

Founded in 2016 by rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patient organizations and leaders from 18 countries, the Global RA Network was formed to build international relationships and identify and work on common goals and initiatives to improve the lives of people living with RA around the world. Arthritis Consumer Experts (Canada) serves as the Network’s secretariat.

This website is the Network’s on-line meeting ground and a place to share its ongoing work and educational and informational resources with RA patients, care providers and governments.

The Global RA Network’s first initiative was to conduct a survey on patient experiences of RA models of care. To learn more, click here.

The Network on the map

For the sake of brevity, the names of the social media platforms have been abbreviated as follows: Facebook: FB | Instagram: IG | X: X | YouTube: YT | LinkedIn: LI

Österreichischen Rheumaliga/Jung und Rheuma
Tanita-Christina Wilhelmer, Chair of young PARE at EULAR
Email tanita.wilhelmer@gmail.com
General Phone +43 699 15 54 16 79
Address A-5761 Maria Alm, Dorfstraße 4
Web https://rheumaliga.at
FB @rheumaliga | IG @jung.rheuma | YT @osterreichischerheumaliga6456

Rheumatoid Arthritis Liga (RA Liga)
Dorien Segers, President
General Email info@raliga.be
General Phone 0475 96 62 31
Address RA Liga vzw Krombaak 10 -2200 HERENTALS
Web www.raliga.be
FB @RA Liga vzw | IG @ra_ligavzw | YT @raligavzw8232

Global RA Network Rheumatoid Arthritis Dashboard Nederlands | Deutsch | Français

Amigos da Criança com Reumatismo (ACREDITE)
Claudio Arnaldo Len, CEO
Email claudiolen@gmail.com
General Phone (11) 5083-4380
Address Rua Borges Lagoa, 783 - 1°andar - Conj.12 - Vila Clementino - São Paulo – SP
Web www.acredite.org.br
FB @ongacredite | IG @ong_acredite

GARCE Ceara (Grupo de Apoio aos Pacientes Reumáticos do Ceará)
Marta Azevedo, President
Marco Azevedo, Advocacy coordinator
General Email garce.ceara@gmail.com
Email marco.t.azevedo@hotmail.com
General Phone (85) 3241.2428 / (85) 99989.7121
FB @garcegrupo | IG @grupogarce

GRUPAL (Grupo de Pacientes Artriticos de Porto Alegre -RS)
Matias Thedy, Managing director
Email matiasthedy@hotmail.com
General Email onggrupal@gmail.com
General Phone (51) 3028-5646
Address Rua Sete de setembro, 1126, sala 210
Centro ,POA, cep 90010-191
Galeria 7 de setembro, 2° andar
Web www.grupal.org.br
FB @grupalportoalegre | IG @ong.grupal

Priscila Torres, Coordonnator
Email priscila.torres@encontrar.org.br
General Email contato@grupar-rp.org.br
General Phone (16) 3941-5110
Address Rua Castro Alves, 477, Vila Tibério, Ribeirão Preto / SP
Web https://encontrar.org.br
X @Grupar_RP 

Global RA Network Rheumatoid Arthritis Dashboard

Arthritis Consumer Experts
Cheryl Koehn, President
Email koehn@jointhealth.org
Direct Phone +1 604 974-1366
Address #210-1529 West 6th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, V6J 1R1
Web https://jointhealth.org/
FB @ACEJointHealth | IG @ACEJointHealth | X @acejointhealth | YT @JointHealth | LI Arthritis Consumer Experts

Global RA Network Rheumatoid Arthritis Dashboard
English | English


Fundación Me Muevo
Cecilia Rodríguez Ruiz, Director of Participation and Advocacy
General Email
General Phone
Providencia, Santiago de Chile
@memuevocl | X @memuevocl| YT @memuevo_org

Red ASOPAN (Pan American Network of Associations of Rheumatic Patients) - Latin and South America
Gonzalo Tobar Carrizo
General Email contacto@agrupacionlupuschile.cl
General Phone +569 9305 8454
Address Av. Concha y Toro 3459, interior Hospital Sótero del Río  Puente Alto, Santiago
Web https://asopan.org/
FB @RedAsopan | IG @redasopan | @redasopan | YT @redasopanasociacionesdepac8010

Rare Diseases International (RDI)
KP (Kin Ping) Tsang
Member of the board of RDI, President of Rare Disease Hong Kong, President and founder of Retina Hong Kong and Director of the Asia Pacific Association of Rare Disease Organizations (APARDO)
Email kptsang@retina.org.hk

Fundare Bogota (Fundación Liga Colombiana de Apoyo al Reumático Capítulo Bogotá Cundinama)
Email fundarecapitulobogota@gmail.com
General Phone (1) 6366672
Address Carrera 13A # 97-82, Bogotá - Colombia
Web https://fundarecolombia.org/
FB @FundareBogotá | IG @fundarebogota | X @fundarebogota | YT @fundarebogota

Global RA Network Rheumatoid Arthritis Dashboard


Arthritis Foundation of Crete
Katerina Koutsogianni
Katerina Cretian, Honorary president and founder
Email crekate@gmail.com
General Email sylogosreum.crete@gmail.com
Phone +302810226966
Address Κόσμων 6, 712 02,Heraklion, Κρήτη
Web www.srcrete.gr
FB @srcrete.gr | X @ArthritisCrete | LI The Arthritis Foundation of Crete

NGO Remisija
Nenad Horvat, President
Email nenad@odvjetnik-nenad-horvat.hr
Direct line 098/312939
General Phone 38598312939
Web https://remisija.hr
FB @udruga.remisija

Slađana Rumpl Tunjić
Email sladjana.rumpl@gmail.com

Global RA Network Rheumatoid Arthritis Dashboard

Cyprus League Against Rheumatism
Andri Phoka, President
Email andri.phoka@gmail.com
Web https://rheumatism.org.cy/
IG @cyplar| FB @cyplar | X @Cyplar1 | YT @cyplarorg6452 | LI Cyprus League of People with Rheumatism




ForeningeN af Unge med Gigt (FNUG)
General Email fnug@fnug.dk
General Phone 29 25 23 94
Address Gentoftegade 118, 2820 Gentofte
Web https://fnug.dk/
FB @ungmedgigt | IG https://fnug.dk/

AFLAR (French League Against Rheumatism) Françoise Alliot-Launois, President Email francoisealliotlaunois@gmail.com Phone +01 45 80 30 00 Address 2 rue Bourgon - 75013 PARIS Web https://www.aflar.org/ FB @AFLAR.org | X @associationAFLAR | YT @associationAFLAR

Global RA Network Rheumatoid Arthritis Dashboard


Society of Parents of Children with JIA
Ana Bokolishvili, Head
Email anabokolishvili99@yahoo.com

Rare Diseases International (RDI)
KP (Kin Ping) Tsang
Member of the board of RDI, President of Rare Disease Hong Kong, President and founder of Retina Hong Kong and Director of the Asia Pacific Association of Rare Disease Organizations (APARDO)
Email kptsang@retina.org.hk
Web https://www.rarediseasesinternational.org/
YT @rarediseasesinternational3378

Reumabetegek a Célzott Terápiáért Egyesület (RECTE)
Tóth Gábor Elnök
Tímea Tófalv
General Email info@celterapia.com
Address 1023 Budapest, Ürömi u. 56
FB @ReumabetegekaCélzottTerápiáértKözhasznúEgyesület YT @reumabetegekacelzottterapi4673

Arthritis Ireland
Gráinne O'Leary, Chief Executive
Email goleary@arthritisireland.ie
General Phone +353 1 647 0201
Address 1 Clanwilliam Square,Grand Canal Quay, Dublin 2, D02 DH77
Web www.arthritisireland.ie
FB @ArthritisIreland.ie | IG @arthritisie |
X @Arthritisie | YT @ArthritisIreland | LI Arthritis Ireland

Global RA Network Rheumatoid Arthritis Dashboard

Mifrakim Tz'eirm (The Israel Association for RMDs patients)
Michal Nudel (מיכל נודל), CEO
Email michal@mifrakim.org.il
General Phone 972 - 525635890
Address 15 Dakar St., Haifa, Israel (הצוללת דקר 15, חיפה, ישראל )
Web https://mifrakim.org.il/
FB @עמותת מִפרקים צעירים - Mifrakim Tzeirim association | IG @mifrakim_tzeirim | YT @mifrakim

Global RA Network Rheumatoid Arthritis Dashboard

Associazione Nazionale Malati Reumatici (ANMAR)
Sylvia Tonolo, President
Email tonolo@anmar-italia.it
General Email info@anmar-italia.it
General Phone 800.910.625
Address Via R.R. Garibaldi 40, 1000145 Roma
Web www.anmar-italia.it
FB @ANMAROnlus | YT @AnmarAssociazione

Associazione Nazionale Persone con Malattie Reumatologiche e Rare (APMARR)
Antonella Celano, President
Email a.celano@apmarr.it
General Email presidenza@apmarr.it
Phone 3393227227
Address Via Molise, n. 16 – 73100 Lecce
Web www.apmarr.it
FB @apmarr.italia | IG @apmarr_ | X @apmarr_italia | YT @APMARVIDEO | LI APMARR ITALIA

Global RA Network Rheumatoid Arthritis Dashboard Italiano

Breast Cancer Welfare Association Malaysia
Ranjit Kaur, CEO
Email ranjit.pritam54@gmail.com
General Email info@breastcancer.org.my
General Phone 603-79540133
Address 5th Floor, Bangunan Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah, 16, Jalan Utara, 46200 Petaling Jaya. Malaysia.
Web www.breastcancer.org.my
FB @breastcancerwelfareassociation | IG @ bcwamalaysia

ReumaZorg Nederland (RZN)
Gerardine Willemsen, Chair of the Board
Email voorzitter@reumazorgnederland.nl
General Phone M +31 6 18647139
Address PO Box 58, 6500 AB Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Web www.reumazorgnederland.nl
FB @reumazorgnederland | IG @reumazorgnederland | X @reumazorgnl | YT @reumazorgnederland | LI Nationale Vereniging ReumaZorg Nederland

Esperantra - Associacion de ayuda al paciente con cancer
Karla Ruiz de Castilla Yábar
Email karla@esperantra.org
General Phone (+51 1) 6804888
Address Domingo Elias 261 Miraflores Lima 15046 Perú
Web https://www.esperantra.org/
FB @EsperantraCentro | IG @esperantracentro

3majmy się razem
Monika Zientek
Email m.zientek@3majmysierazem.pl
General Email kontakt@3majmysierazem.pl
General Phone +48 502 387 971
Address Lindleya 16, 02-013 Warszawa
Web https://3majmysierazem.pl
FB @3majmysierazem | X @3majmysierazem | YT @stowarzysenie3majmysieraz579

Asociației Pacienților cu Afecțiuni Autoimune (APAA)
Rozalina Lapadatu, President
Email rozalina.lapadatu@gmail.com
General Email office@apaa.ro
General Phone +40 314 315 218
Address Str. Ioniţă Cegan nr. 3, Bl. P27, Parter, Ap. 1, Sector 5, Bucureşti
Web www.apaa.ro
FB @A.P.A.A. - Asociaţia Pacienţilor cu Afecţiuni Autoimune

Global RA Network Rheumatoid Arthritis Dashboard

Natalia Bulgakova
Email RRA-Nadegda@mail.ru
General Phone 8-916-061-3941
Web http://www.revmo-nadegda.ru/
YT @revmofactor

Udruženje obolelih od reumatskih bolesti Republike Srbije (ORS)
Nenad Nedić, Volunteer activist
Email nenadn69@gmail.com
General Email udruzenje@ors.rs
General Phone 381603344691
Address Beograd, Resavska 69 | +381  61 222 0 600 – Zora Radović
Web www.ors.rs
FB @udruzenjeORS | X @StopArtritis | YT @udruzenjeors9790

Global RA Network Rheumatoid Arthritis Dashboard

Društvo revmatikov Slovenije
Petra Zajc
Email petra@revmatiki.si
General Email drustvo@revmatiki.si
General Phone 05 90 75 366
Address Parmova ulica 53, Si – 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Web www.revmatiki.si
FB @revmatiki | YT @drustvorevmatikovslovenije1584

M. Antonio Ignacio Torralba Gómez-Portillo
Email a.torralba@conartritis.or
General Email conartritis@conartritis.org
General Phone 91 535 21 41 – 644 00 77 18
Address C/Ferrocarril, 18, planta 2º oficina 1. 28045 Madrid.
Web www.conartritis.org
FB @conartritis | IG @conartritis | X @ConArtritis | YT @CoordinadoraNacionaldeArtritis |LI ConArtritis (Coordinadora Nacional de Artritis)

Rheumatoid Arthritis Aid Group / the Association of Friends of Rheumatoid Arthritis of the Republic of China
Email raaga@ms63.hinet.net
General Phone (02) 28227495
Address 201 shishi road, beitou district, taipei city
Web http://raag.org.tw/
FB @中華民國類風濕性關節炎之友協會YT@RAAGTW

National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (NRAS)
Clare Jacklin, Chief Executive
Email clare@nras.org.uk
General Email enquiries@nras.org.uk
General Phone 01628 823 524
Address Suite 3, Beechwood, Grove Park Industrial Estate, White Waltham Rd, Maidenhead, Berks SL6 3LW
Web https://nras.org.uk/
FB @nationalrheumatoidarthritissociety | IG @NRAS_UK | X @NRAS-UK | YT @NRASUK

Global RA Network Rheumatoid Arthritis Dashboard


International Foundation for Autoimmune & Autoinflammatory Arthritis
Tiffany Westrich-Robertson
Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer
Email tiffany@aiarthritis.org
General Email info@aiarthritis.org
Phone 314-282-7214
Address 6605 Nottingham Avenue, Saint Louis, MO 63109
Web www.aiarthritis.org
FB @IFAiArthritis | IG @ifaiarthritis | X @IFAiArthritis | YT @IFAiArthritis | LI International Foundation for Autoimmune & Autoinflammatory Arthritis (AiArthritis)

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Fundación Salud Dr. Augusto Turenne (Fundacion Salud-SMU)
General Email info@fundacionsalud.uy
General Phone +598 2401 4701
Address Iturriaga 3379, CP 11300, Montevideo-Uruguay
FB @fundsalud

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