Member organizations of the Global RA Network provide free, science-based information and education programs to people with rheumatoid arthritis and other forms of the disease. Every day, all day they help people living with RA by helping them take control of their disease and improve their quality of life through education and empowerment.
To learn more, click on the name of the organization:
Global RA Network Members
Belgium![]() | RA Liga http://www.raliga.be/ |
Brazil![]() | GARCE - Grupo de Apoio aos Pacientes Reumáticos do Ceará https://garce.org.br |
Canada![]() | Arthritis Consumer Experts http://jointhealth.org |
Croatia![]() | NGO Remisija http://remisija.hr |
Cyprus![]() | Cyprus League for People with Rheumatism https://rheumatism.org.cy/ |
Denmark![]() | Danish Association of Young people with Rheumatism http://fnug.dk |
France![]() | l’AFLAR (French League Against Rheumatism) https://www.aflar.org |
Southern Europe | AGORA http://www.agoraplatform.org/ |
Hungary![]() | Reumabetegek a Célzott Terápiáért Egyesület http://www.celterapia.com/ |
Israel![]() | The Israeli association for RA patients "Mifrakim Tze'irim" https://mifrakim.org.il |
Italy![]() | APMARR https://www.apmarr.it ANMAR Italia http://www.anmar-italia.it |
Romania![]() | Patients with Autoimmune Disorders Association (APPA) www.apaa.ro |
Russian Federation![]() | Nadezhda http://www.revmo-nadegda.ru |
Spain![]() | CONARTRITIS http://www.conartritis.org |
Serbia![]() | Udruženje obolelih od reumatskih bolesti Republike Srbije (ORS) Association of patients with rheumatic diseases of the Republic of Serbia http://www.ors.rs/ |
Taiwan![]() | Rheumatoid Arthritis Aid Group http://www.raag.org.tw |
Uruguay![]() | Fundación Salud Dr. Augusto Turenne http://fundacionsalud.org.uy |

EULAR has numerous published guidelines for models of RA care to assist healthcare professionals and patients through the patient’s care journey. Here is a sample of some of these publications that serve as an important resource for information on RA diagnosis, treatment and care.
“ACR-EULAR Classification Criteria for Rheumatoid Arthritis”
“EULAR recommendations for the management of rheumatoid arthritis with synthetic and biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs: 2016 update”
“EULAR evidence-based and consensus-based recommendations on the management of medium to high-dose glucocorticoid therapy in rheumatic diseases”
“EULAR evidence-based recommendations on the management of systemic glucocorticoid therapy in rheumatic diseases”
“EULAR recommendations for the management of rheumatoid arthritis with synthetic and biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs”
“EULAR recommendations for vaccination in adult patients with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases”
“EULAR recommendations for the use of imaging of the joints in the clinical management of rheumatoid arthritis”
“EULAR evidence-based recommendations for cardiovascular risk management in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and other forms of inflammatory arthritis”