Making health care system change can be challenging work, and positive change rarely happens overnight. It takes months and sometimes years of sustained, strategic advocacy to improve treatment and care for people with RA. But it can be done, especially if the RA community works with a common goal, understanding of the problem and implementable solutions. Natural leaders in this effort are people living with RA and the organizations that serve and support them. Starting a movement for change is the most important step we can take together as a global RA community.

Global RA Network Communications Tools
Many of the Global RA Network Communications Tools are ready to share as available on the website or can be easily customized. We encourage you to share all of the resources with your networks.
We encourage you to download the Network's Communications Tools to improve RA models of care in your country.
Advocacy Resources to Share
Raise awareness about rheumatoid arthritis by sharing these resources with your communities.
About Global RA Network Factsheet
Customizable Advocacy Resources
These resources are easy to customize and share. Download text versions of each by clicking on them.
The Power of Letters to the Editor
Sending a letter to the editor of your local newspaper is an effective way to increase awareness about rheumatoid arthritis in your community. We encourage you to edit the letter to reflect your own experiences. Remember: Letters under 200 words have a better chance of being published! If you are submitting a letter to your editor via email, remember to include your name, home address and telephone number.
Dear Editor,
Buttoning a shirt, making breakfast, picking up your child. Imagine waking up every morning and finding it difficult to perform these daily tasks at home or at work due to painful joints.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most common form of inflammatory arthritis. One in 100 people – young and old - in [insert your country] and more than 17 million people worldwide live with this painful, debilitating and life threatening disease. The chances are high that you, someone you love or someone you work with is affected by RA.
Early intervention and treatment from a rheumatologist can improve quality of life for people living with RA, but many people struggle to get access to a specialist who has the necessary training and expertise to diagnose and manage RA.
As we recognize World Arthritis Day on October 12, I encourage my fellow community members to learn about the symptoms of RA and whether they might benefit from a referral to a rheumatologist. The Global RA Network has useful information on RA on its www.GlobalRANetwork.org website.
By increasing awareness about RA, we can help more people get the care they need to manage pain and maintain a normal quality of life.
Dear Editor,
Buttoning a shirt, making breakfast, picking up your child. Imagine waking up every morning and finding it difficult to perform these daily tasks at home or at work due to painful joints.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most common form of inflammatory arthritis. One in 100 people – young and old - in XXXXXX and more than 17 million people worldwide live with this painful, debilitating and life threatening disease. The chances are high that you, someone you love or someone you work with is affected by RA.
Early intervention and treatment from a rheumatologist can improve quality of life for people living with RA, but many people struggle to get access to a specialist who has the necessary training and expertise to diagnose and manage RA.
As we recognize World Arthritis Day on October 12, I encourage my fellow community members to learn about the symptoms of RA and whether they might benefit from a referral to a rheumatologist. The Global RA Network has useful information on RA on its (www.xxxxxxxx) website.
By increasing awareness about RA, we can help more people get the care they need to manage pain and maintain a normal quality of life.

Social Media
Help us spread the word about RA Models of Care and the Global RA Network online! Organizations and indivduals are encouraged to use the following resources when sharing information on their websites or social media channels.
If you are sharing information about the Global RA Network or RA models of Care, be sure to use our official hashtags, #GlobalRANetwork and #RAModelsofCare
Connect with World Arthritis Day on October 12 (#ConnectToday) and the Global RA Network on Social Media
World Arthritis Day
Sample Posts
Organizations and individuals are encouraged to download, tailor and share the following social media posts in their communications about the Global RA Network and RA Models of Care.
October 12 is World Arthritis Day. Don’t Delay, Connect Today: https://www.facebook.com/worldarthritisday
Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the more than 100 types of arthritis. Learn more from the Global RA Network: https://globalranetwork.org
Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common form of inflammatory arthritis and affects 1 in 100 people. Learn more: https://globalranetwork.org
Did you know? Experts predict the number of people with RA will double by 2030. Learn more: https://globalranetwork.org
Patients experiencing symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis face unreasonable wait times to get a consult with a rheumatologist for timely diagnosis and treatment initiation. Learn more from the Global RA Network: https://globalranetwork.org
Rheumatoid arthritis patients must be treated with disease modifying medications ideally within 6 weeks of disease onset and be evaluated for improvement within 12 weeks after therapy initiation. Learn more: https://globalranetwork.org
More information and education on rheumatoid arthritis for patients and the public is needed to support people with the disease. Specifically, to help them best describe their symptoms and help them take shared decisions with their rheumatologists. Learn more from the Global RA Network: https://globalranetwork.org
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October 12 is #ConnectToday! Learn more @ArthritisDay
1 in 100 – young and old – live with painful, debilitating and life threatening rheumatoid arthritis. #RAModelsofCare #GlobalRANetwork
Did you know? RA affects more than 17 million people worldwide. #RAModelsofCare #GlobalRANetwork
RA patients face unreasonable wait times to get a consult with a rheumatologist. #RAModelsofCare #GlobalRANetwork
Did you know? Experts predict the number of people with RA will double by 2030. #RAModelsofCare #GlobalRANetwork
For the preservation of joint health, treatment for RA should be initiated as close to diagnosis as possible. #RAModelsofCare #GlobalRANetwork
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